Class:Mammal (marine) Observed near:Old Airport Beach
Family:Monk seal Country:United States
Common Name:Hawaiian monk seal Province/State:Hawaii
Body Part:General pic Town:Lahaina
Size:  Island:Maui
Tag type:  Ocean:Pacific
Tag number:  Port: 
Sex:  Vessel: 
Behavior 1:  Survey: 
Behavior 2:  Session: 
Condition 1:  Filename:169R0295.jpg
Condition 2:  Rating:5
Est. latitude:  GPS latitude: 
Est. longitude:  GPS longitude: 
Animal moniker:dolly301 Description: 
Date:2007-02-14 Behaviors:resting, for about 18 hours
Location:south end of the beach, just before black rock Camera: 
Artist:  Time: 

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