Class:Mammal (marine) Observed near: 
Family:Whale Country:United States
Common Name:Humpback whale Province/State:Alaska
Body Part:Head Town: 
Size:Adult Island: 
Tag type:  Ocean:Pacific
Tag number:  Port: 
Sex:  Vessel:national geographic sea bird
Behavior 1:feeding Survey: 
Behavior 2:  Session: 
Condition 1:healthy Filename:IMG_5601.JPG
Condition 2:  Rating:3
Est. latitude:56.27670 GPS latitude: 
Est. longitude:132.95700 GPS longitude: 
Animal moniker:  Description:snow pass, now for the third year has bubble net feeders, first year we observed, no fluke id's as weather was storm force winds, second year i posted the few flukes i shot, here are the images from several hours of research work, almost sunset lighting, very high iso's
Date:2012-09-07 Behaviors:cooperative bubble net feeding, two pods, total of more than 23 individuals
Location:snow pass, alaska, south of petersburg Camera:Canon, Canon EOS 7D
Artist:  Time:1745

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