Class:Divers Observed near:Olowalu
Family:  Country:United States
Common Name:  Province/State:Hawaii
Body Part:  Town:Olowalu
Size:  Island:Maui
Tag type:  Ocean:Pacific
Tag number:  Port: 
Sex:  Vessel: 
Behavior 1:  Survey: 
Behavior 2:  Session: 
Condition 1:  Filename:P5090025.jpg
Condition 2:  Rating:5
Est. latitude:  GPS latitude: 
Est. longitude:  GPS longitude: 
Animal moniker:  Description: 
Date:2018-05-09 Behaviors: 
Location:24 May 2018 Aloha Rob and Di, These notes and log go along with SmugMug gallery of the same name: 180524_Knourek_Wahikuli NOTES AFTER and DIVE LOG Comments regarding a few of mel's photos. Note: i will copy and paste this diary to an email message for your ease of saving if you desire. Di likes this technique. Long spine sea urchin (9 individuals on a single coral head) apparently feeding on "dirt alga". Green hairy alga growing on fishing line. A red colored sea star not often sighted; Hoover names it Red Velvet Star. I consider the "tandem cauliflower coral to be a supposed example of specie regeneration (two different angles same coral head). The next photo is a good example of cauliflower coral that in my opinion will not regenerate. I suppose if a new cauliflower coral colony starts anew on top of the algae covered dead coral, then it could be called regeneration however, my hypothesis is that the tandem example follows a bleaching event and is the same colony regenerating and adjacent to a dead portion of the coral head. i hope we can find the same coral head and photograph over time. Will algae take over the dead portion or will new coral growth expand over that portion? Wahikuli met 8:30, entered 9:20 am exited 10:35 = 1 hr 15 minute bottom time, 20' maximum. Tank size 60's. Good vis 40 - 80 feet even with an incoming tide. Rob's stated objective is to refamiarlize with photography of sea turtles. The two of us have a common objective to enhance our knowledge of Hawaiian marine algae including photography. My take is to connect specific animal specie with observed eating of specific alga. Rob diving with Mel's regulator. Rob, where did the trash can go? Camera:OLYMPUS CORPORATION, TG-5
Artist:  Time:0903

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